Therapist In-Person San Rafael, CA

& Online Therapy in CA

For trauma, anxiety, health issues, and life transitions


Grief and Hope

By the Bay Health-Beyond Hospice

David Kessler’s work  


Compassionate Friends, Support for the Loss of a Child

The Dinner Party-grief support for 20-40 year olds 

Bay Area Jewish Healing Center-Grief and Growing Groups 

Four Tasks of Mourning by William Worden, Ph. D

Center for Loss and Life Transition, Articles on Loss, Alan Wolfelt, Ph.D

HAND-Helping After Neonatal Death

Healing Through the Dark Emotions, Miriam Greenspan

Healing After Loss: Daily Meditations for Working Through Grief,  Martha Hickman

Good Grief: Healing Through the Shadow of Loss, Deborah Coryell

A Widow’s Story: A Memoir, Joyce Carol Oates

The Year of Magical Thinking, Joan Didion

Suddenly Alone: A Women’s Guide to Widowhood, P. Gates

Move on Without Me: The Power of A Woman To Create A New Life After Widowhood, Susan Beer

Widower: When Men Are Left Alone, Scott Campbell

Losing a Parent, Alexandra Kennedy

The Infinite Thread:  Healing Relationships Beyond Loss, Alexander Kennedy

Motherless Daughters, Hope Edelman

Fatherless Women: How We Change After We Lose Our Dads, Clea Simon

Father Loss: How Sons of All Ages Come to Terms with the Deaths of Their Dads, Neil Chetnik

Midlife Orphan: Facing Life’s Changes Now That Your Parents Are Gone, Jane Brooks

Losing Your Parents, Finding Yourself: The Defining Turning Point of Adult Life,  Victoria Secunda

Graceful Passages: A Companion for Living and Dying (book and CD)

Stephen Levine, talks and books


Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Courses: 

Tara Brach, PhD

Jack Kornfield, PhD

Jon Kabat-Zinn

Center for Mindful Self-Compassion

Guided Imagery

Belleruth Naparstek, Health Journeys  

Healing and Transformation Through Self-Guided Imagery, Leslie Davenport

Academy of Guided Imagery

Trauma & Traumatic Psychotherapy

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute  

Somatic Experiencing


Freedom from Pain, Peter Levine, PhD

Waking the Tiger, Peter Levine, PhD

Becoming Safely Embodied Book and Workbook, Deirdre Fey, LCSW

Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors, Janina Fisher, PhD. Also any workbooks by her.

Menopause Transition

North America Menopause Society (NAMS) 


Red Hot Mamas 

 The Upgrade by Louann Brizendine, MD

The Wisdom of Menopause by Christiane Northrup, MD

 The Secret Pleasures of Menopause by Christian Northrup, MD

The Wild Genie, The Healing Power of Menstruation, by Alexandra Pope

Her Blood is Gold, Awakening to the Wisdom of Menstruation by Lara Owen

The New Return to the Great Mother by Isa Gucciardi, Ph.D

The Seven Sacred Rites of Menopause  by Krisiti Meisenbach Boylan

The Queen of Myself by Donna Henes

Taking Charge of the Change by Lennie Martin, FNP and Pam Jung

 New Menopausal Years: The Wise Woman Way by Susan Weed

 The Second Half of Life by Angeles Arrien

 A Woman’s Book of Life by Joan Boryshenko

Perinatal Support

Postpartum Support International—great resource for information on perinatal mood disorders and loss, support groups, finding providers, etc 

Marin Perinatal Network 

DONA International-Doula support  

Beyond the Blues, A Guide to Understanding and Treating Prenatal and Postpartum Depression, Shosana Bennett, Ph.D and Pec Indman, Ed.D, MFT

The New Return of the Great Mother by Isa Gucciardi 

Eating Disorders Support


Beyond Hunger 

Association for Professionals Treating Eating Disorders 

It’s Not About the Food, Carol Normady and Laurelee Roark

Women, Food, and God, Geneen Roth

When Food is Love,  Geneen Roth

Eating in the Light of the Moon, Anita Johnson, Ph.